In the classic, A Christmas Carol, Bob Marley’s ghost is condemned to wander the world burdened down by chains forged in life. Now there is plenty that’s theologically incorrect about that picture. But we are burdened during life with chains that are generally of our own making.
We all struggle with sin, addiction, bad relationships, and excess baggage that hinder us. Some of these things are crippling and others are just annoying. We were created for relationship with God and nothing less will do. Yet there are needs which that relationship can only fulfill that we try to fill with other stuff.
We don’t always recognize these chains as bad things. In fact, we can get quite attached to them. We can delude ourselves into believing that chains are actually warm fuzzy things that we can’t do without.
Jesus is in the chain busting business. through His grace, we are led through a process by which we recognize our chains, he frees us from our addiction, and substitutes Himself to fulfill the need we were trying to meet when we first hooked up with the chain.
If you’re not moving through life as smoothly as you wish, perhaps that noise you occasionally hear is the clanking of a chain or two. As the Lord to reveal your chains to you, free you from them and come into more of your life than He has before.
If you find yourself spending lots of time doing something that doesn’t advance the kingdom, you could have a chain. If you are in a relationship, that draws you away from rather than to our Lord, maybe there’s a chain there. If there are things you would rather do that what you know you should be doing, good chance a chain is involved.
He can break the chains.
Be free and be blessed.
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