“Breaking Bad” is a television series about a timid high school chemistry teacher who becomes a drug lord. I had heard about it for years and finally broke down and starting watching. Through the miracle of Netflix I was able to watch 5 seasons worth in a few days. I don’t recommend the series, especially for children. But the story powerfully teaches about the nature of sin. I doubt that was the intent of the producers, but that doesn’t matter.
At the beginning of the series the timid teacher learns he has cancer and believes it to be terminal. He is concerned about his family’s future finances if he were to die. His brother-in-law is a DEA agent and he gets the idea he might make some quick money “cooking” some crystal meth. His intentions are “good” but his choices are bad. By the end of the fifth season his family is shattered, people are dead, but he is VERY wealthy. He just never seems to be wealthy or powerful enough.
Isn’t that the way sin is. We don’t go from being relative innocent to completely lost over night. We begin with questionable decisions. Then bad choices get a lot easier. Before we know it our conscience is dulled and we can’t really tell right from wrong anymore.
I assume most of us aren’t secret drug dealers or money launderers. We probably don’t have stor and lock units full of cash and our actions haven’t resulted in the death of anyone. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we are doing things every day that we shouldn’t, just slipping away from the best path.
Like maybe watching Breaking Bad and waiting anxiously for the next episode.
Be blessed.
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