I feel like I am walking through the valley of death. There are dark forces that seek my destruction.
On Friday morning I went to get my blood drawn. I didn’t feel like it. This summer I was poked and prodded and had enough blood drawn to fill a pool. Besides, a semiannual checkup seemed irrelevant in terms of other things going on in my life. Why bother?
I arrived at the blood collection center fifteen minutes early. There were already a couple of people waiting for the door to open. They open at 7:30 and I had a meeting that was much more important miles away at 8:30. I needed things to be quick and efficient.
As the doors opened and the few folks waiting began to file in, vans descended upon the center from every direction. It seems that every agency in the parish which houses or treats “special” people were bringing their clients in for blood work. Soon the waiting room was filled with people… different people. People with silly smiles on their faces. People who walked with only great difficulty. People who mumbled unintelligently. People who had to be brought to the center who could not and would never be able to drive themselves anywhere. People who would require special care until Jesus returns or takes them home. Older people and younger people all facing challenges I will never fully understand.
My trials are temporary. Blessings are already flowing from adversity. My soul is being restored. My cup overflows.
My God is great and, even through this, I am blessed.
Look around and appreciate the trials of others, get some perspective, and be grateful and be blessed.
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