But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
We have the same President, Senate and House of Representives for four more years. “Upon learning this news, one part of my country is so angry right now their eyes are crossing. Others are so depressed they feel lower than a whale’s navel. Still others are euphoric . . . or relieved. And then there are those who aren’t paying attention and don’t care two hoots.
A reminder to all: Jesus of Nazareth is still on the throne. Everything is under His control. Whether “your man” won or lost, Jesus is our ultimate hope for this world.” Frank Viola http://frankviola.org/
I got a call at 6:30 yesterday morning from my 10 year old grandson who was crying because of the results of the election. I cheered him up and told him Jesus was still on the throne. By the time school was over he was fine and we went to a movie. Obviously he picked up on some way too serious vibes during the heated time before the election. Hopefully the rest of us, winners and losers, will shake this off and get back to Kingdom Business as fast as little Nicky did.
Lots of us get way too caught up in elections. It’s important to participate in the process; but it’s more important to keep our perspective. I think we who follow Christ know deep down inside that Washington D. C. is of little, if any, eternal significance. The only real change is the kind faith in Jesus brings.
The conservative part of the church has been tied to one party for years and the liberal part has been tied to the other. The politicians pay attention to us once every four years and not much has really changed for either part of Jesus’ divided body. Let’s pray for unity and focus on Kingdom Business.
My friend Joel was here yesterday working on our doors. He said he was going to go to work no matter who won. He wasn’t going to cry or throw a party either way. In February he is leading our next Kairos. I’m so ready to get back to Kingdom Business. Joel has the right view.
I was just thinking there are runoff elections. We will be having tv commericals and phone calls for another month. Better watch it I’m gettng depressed again.
Be blessed.
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