“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” —James 2:17 (NIV) Help persecuted Christians around the world! The Action Pack program is a great way to get involved with the persecuted church, and a wonderful way to bless Christians in other countries. The Voice of the Martyrs is currently sending Action Packs to Pakistan, Iraq and Sudan. When you place an order for an Action Pack, The Voice of the Martyrs will send you a special pre-printed vacuum bag to be filled with items you select from the list included with your pack (an example list is to the right). After you’re finished packing the bag, ship your Action Pack back to The Voice of the Martyrs, and they will distribute your Action Pack along with a Bible or Gospel storybook to the country that now needs Action Packs the most. Alternatively, you can choose to have The Voice of the Martyrs pack the bag for you and send it to the country that needs Action Packs the most. To order an Action Pack, choose one of the links below. Rosemary and I have a couple of extra action packs. […]
Author: Nick
Making the Best With What We Have
Tonight I sat down in front of the television with my Popeye’s box and said a little prayer of Thanksgiving. I don’t always do that. I say grace in the right settings, but I don’t thank God every time I eat. Now you know. Hope you still love me. Why say thanks tonight? Maybe it’s because I had a great day. It was the couple of hours the grandkids and I spent delivering Thanksgiving bags this morning. We delivered five bags. They all went to houses in neighborhoods I would very likely avoid at night. We delivered to small houses. The entrance to one was a long handicap ramp. It was obvious the folks who lived in those houses were not well-to-do, but the houses were neat and well-kept. The people we met were courteous and thankful for what we brought. There was a sweet spirit in each of them. One of the homes was so welcoming with a cozy sitting area in the front that we wanted to just sit and visit. At one stop one of the kids said “I would want to live here.” When we finished, we discussed what a great experience it was. Nicky said it best, “They make […]
I was watching Fox News last night. I know that makes me a right-wing wacko, but whatever. When one of Bill O’Rielly’s guests called something a “lie” Bill corrected him saying “misrepresentation” was a better word. Really, Bill? I thought this was the “no spin zone.” Please comment if you can explain the difference between “lie” and “misrepresentation.” Apparently it’s politically incorrect to call a lie, a lie. I heard yesterday about a child who is having a problem with “misrepresentations.” If kids hear lies, called anything else, is it any wonder that they don’t think lying is a big deal. A recent article I read gave advice about teaching kids honesty. Maybe our nation’s leaders and our television personalities could use an honesty short course as well. Model it – Most behavior is learned. We can’t expect the people who admire and model us to act differently from us. If you expect others to be honest, don’t lie, about anything. Teach it – There are plenty of examples, some of them in scripture, about the value of honesty and the pitfalls of lying. Kids, politicians and news people need to hear them. We once had a President whose nickname […]
Complain – Compare – Compete
I spend lots of time reading articles in my search for good blog material. What? Surprised I sometimes need inspiration? Don’t be. Yesterday I read an article about three things that happy people don’t do. The three things were Complain, Compare, and Compete. My first thought was, “Good Advice.” If I did less of those three things, I would be happier. However, the words kept running around in my head and they just didn’t seem right or, God forbid, “biblical.” Follow where I drifted. Complain – I hate complainers. I hate myself when I complain. I hate complaining, because I don’t know what I’m suppose to do about the subject of the compliant. I’m told men are fixers. I don’t like it when someone I love complains and I can’t fix it. I know I’m “just suppose to listen” but I’m a man. I can’t do that at least not comfortably. I feel embarrassed when I complain and realize the person I’m complaining to can’t fix it either. I also hate it that he/she wasted time listening. I can point to numerous bible verses which support the idea that grumbling and complaining are not good things. Yet if something isn’t […]
We are in day two of evacuation two. Everyone made it through the night. The report from Pelican Pointe the nursing home is that the nature of the leak has not yet been identified. We don’t know what substance is leaking or exactly the source. It is unclear how long our guests will be with us. We have plenty of help at this time. We do ask that if you are available to help that you be ready to come to Amana to help if we should need help. This would be most likely if we need to move the residents and clean up. Your continued prayer is appreciated.
God’s Guidance for Our Good
5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— Romans 6:5-6 Sin by another name. Recently I addressed the myth of “Hate the sin. Love the sinner.” That should leave you with a question. What do I do about someone who is caught up in “sin?” Well, first off never forget we all sin. We are all caught up in it to some extend. Nevertheless, loving others has to include acting in their best interest. If we will remember that sin is harmful behavior, our path becomes clearer. God did not just arbitrarily decide that certain things would be allowed and others not. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what is good for us and what isn’t. Sin encompasses those things that hurt us, others, or our mission. God has provided guidance for our good. Acting against that divine guidance is sin. Avoid label obsession. We should be […]
I have regrets. You have regrets. All God’s people got regrets. Some days seem to bring them out more than others. I woke up this morning to remember that some of my dearest friends are spending the weekend at Angola. I regret not being there. I have attended lots of these weekends over the last twenty plus years. The weeks of preparation are a painful blessing. The weekends are always different and always awesome. I just couldn’t do it this time, but I have regrets. Tonight I will attend the first game of the UL basketball season. I’m taking two of my grands. It will be fun. However, it will be hard not to remember the games I took my dad to. For years I would pick him up, load him and his wheelchair into my truck and sit with him in the handicap section. It will be hard not to remember the night I loaded the wheel chair into the back of my truck, only to find it wasn’t there any more when we got to the Cajundome. I will recall the night my dad forgot his glasses and wanted to borrow mine just when the cheerleaders were […]
Let’s Just Love
In the early morning hours, the Lord brought an article to my attention: Debunking the “Love the Sinner. Hate the Sin” Myth. I know I could just say, “I noticed” or “I read” and not bring the Lord into it, but don’t you believe that God leads us? Plus I’m going to need as much divine support as possible with this post. I will be taking on one of the most beloved “sayings” of the modern church, “Hate the sin. Love the sinner.” The article I mentioned laid out three very good reasons to consider this idea a myth. I’ll add some of my own. Did you know that “Hate the sin. Love the sinner” isn’t from Jesus or the scripture. It’s quote from Mohandas Gandhi, who may have been quoting Augustine. Justin Lathrop correctly points out that “Jesus has never been about hate. Jesus talks about love and grace and mercy, but never hate. So introducing hate into the conversation is automatically a deviation from His teaching.” Jesus didn’t shame people. Jesus didn’t condemn the woman at the well or the prostitute in the square. He loved them and gently guided them into a new life. […]