Today is June 2, 2016. I guess there really isn’t anything special about today. I’m in south Louisiana so it’s going to be hot. It’s a Thursday which is one of my favorite days of the week because the whole weekend stretches out before me. I already know I haven’t done everything I had hoped to do this week. It looks like a rainy weekend so I should probably get my yard work done. It’s a pretty ordinary day. It’s also incredibly special. It’s a gift from God. I need to make sure I don’t waste it regretting yesterdays or worrying about tomorrows. It will be full of opportunities that I can refuse to see, let slip by or take full advantage of. In just a few hours it will be gone. There will be nothing I can do to get it back. God preceded it with a few hours of quiet darkness so I could rest up for it, spend some quiet time with HIm, and face it fresh. I will get the same break in a few hours when dark will settle in again and I can reflect on opportunities missed, ignored or taken. I will have […]
Author: Nick
The Glory of God
And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6;3 I have seen many glorious things: beautiful mountains, oceans, and forests. I have seen the Grand Canyon and the redwood forests in northern California. I have seen sunrise over a bayou and sunsets over a sea. It’s a bit sad that we’ve become so urban. We think skyscrapers, stadiums and the like are glorious, impressive sometimes, but not glorious. I have seen other really glorious things: my bride walking down the aisle, my children and grands and greats, still red and bruised from the birth trauma, taking their first steps, or laughing for no good reason, and newly baptized converts, gloriously changed and miraculously healed, gloriously saved. I think what makes something glorious isn’t its beauty. It’s something so spectacular that the sight of it changes you. Isaiah said that the whole earth is full of the Glory of God. I don’t always see it. To those who don’t know Him, the world is void of glory. Through His grace, eyes are opened. The more you know Him, the more glorious the world. The more […]
Memorial Day
I hope you have a nice memorial day weekend. Let’s just take time to remember why it’s a holiday. We remember those who have died that we might be free. I was in the military for eleven years, so I am a bit sensitive when folks just use the extra day off to grill, swim and get a little high. I was not called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice, but I know those who did. Might I suggest that when we say grace this weekend we take time to thank God for those who gave all. It would also be great if we remember Jesus who not only died for us, but did so willingly and in the most painful way possible. His death not only made it possible for us to be free, but for us to be eternally free. Thanks to all who sacrificed and special thanks for He who sacrificed the most for the most.
Last Day of School
I am excited for my grandkids today because it’s the last day of school. My strongest memories are of the last day of school and the summers that followed. The school year seemed to last for a year and the summer for about a week. On the last day of school, however, it seemed that we would be free for ever. The summer held so much promise. I grew up in Crowley. As a kid we lived a block from the courthouse and the library. Summers were hot and air conditioning not common. The library was air-conditioned. In fact it was the coldest building in Crowley. Every summer they had something called the Summer Reading Club. There were contests for reading the most books. You got to put stickers on a big chart for every book you read. We would go to the library in the heat of the afternoon and would spend hours picking books and leave with a stack. We would go home and try to find a cool place to look through and or read the books. We, of course, didn’t have a swimming pool. It was a great treat to go to the “public” pool […]
Binge Netflix
I’ve spent the weekend binge watching Netflix and listening to Cajun baseball and softball on the radio. The baseball and softball have been uplifting, the Netflix not so much. I’ve watched movies about a mentally ill and drug dependent soccer mom, a boy running from the Nazis for years on his own because he was Jewish, the Civil war near its end, as renegade Yankee soldiers terrorized the South and the women without their men to protect them, and two homeless people falling in love, one a drug dependent woman, the other a repentant terrorist. Seemingly ordinary people can be incredibly stupid, unbelievably evil, and completely self-destructive. Those expected and empowered to help are often incompetent, over-whelmed, uncaring or just plain evil. Of course these hurting people need Jesus, but more importantly those of us who think we have Jesus need to be more like Him. We need to quit being unthankful and whining about every little inconvenience. We need to take off the blinders that keep us from seeing the hurting, pain and loss around us. Where’s the Christianity that is recognized by its loving and not its self-righteousness. Where are the followers who do more than they […]
Fear Not
Lot’s of times I write a post and then, for some reason never publish it. I am going through some of those old posts now. This should be fun: At our house, the power frequently goes out. It’s creepy. The only light in our house comes from candles, a flashlight and our “electronics” phones and i-pads. Fear of the dark is one of our earliest and most basic fears. I remember as a kid having to have a night light on. The darkness hid monsters under the bed and in the closet. What makes darkness so scary is that it makes so much unknown. Fear is all about the lack of security. If we can’t see we are insecure. It’s what makes the future scary. We can’t see it. It’s unknown. It’s why medical procedures, new experiences, even new people can be fear producers. When we are kids we are fearful because it’s a big unknown world out there. Growing up doesn’t eliminate fear. In fact as we learn more about our world, we discover frightful things we would never think of as kids. There is unemployment, terminal illnesses, terrorists, and the government. Will we every find love, if […]
Acknowledged Presence
When I returned from my morning errands I noticed an old friend was back. We have about a three-foot alligator who lives in the drainage ditch in the back of our property. When the weather is just right, he pulls up on the bank and suns himself. I haven’t seen him for several weeks and he has grown a bit. It may be time to call the Department of Natural Resources to come pick him up. I wonder where he is for the weeks that I don’t see him. Just because I don’t see him doesn’t mean he isn’t there. He might slip a little further back into the swamp but I suspect he isn’t far away. He probably sees me more than I see him. It’s kind of like that with God. I know that He’s always around. I know that I am headed for a face-to-face meeting with Him in heaven. It just doesn’t always feel like it. When I “feel” His presence my fear and anxiety is minimal and my joy and comfort is maximum. I just have to learn to teach my feelings to match up with reality. I know there are good ways to […]
Go To Grandpa
My granddaughter’s school had a great tradition. The eighth grade graduates would take an airplane trip to Washington D. C. My granddaughter was unlucky enough to graduate the eighth grade in 2001. Parents that year were nervous about airplanes and trips to Washington. D. C. Her class got a bus trip to Colonial Williamsburg. As you might imagine, chaperones for the trip were hard to find. I volunteered. It took us two days on the bus to get there and two days back. It was likely because of that trip that I got the reputation as “go to grandpa.” I have memories of running into a Wal-Mart from the bus to pick up movies so the kids would have something fresh to watch. I remember the rain poured down the entire day we were at Williamsburg and the kids had to dodge the rain running from exhibit to exhibit. I don’t have a lot of memories of my grand-daughter from that trip. I think I was wise enough to know to give her space. What eighth grader wants her grandpa around? Ever since then I’m the one the grandkids call when they miss the bus, have a midweek doctors’ […]