Today I took the time to get my sample ballot. You can do that at It’s a thoughtful thing to do so you don’t get your first look at the ballot in the voting booth and hold up the line while you make up your mind. No one has asked me how I intend to vote. That’s kind of insulting. People used to ask, but I think they generally didn’t like my answers. So I am going to use this forum to pass the word on what I’ll be doing. You may find it informative, entertaining or irritating. I don’t care which. SECRETARY OF STATE: I’m voting for Kyle Ardoin. He had to take over when his predecessor resigned in the face of sexual allegations. This list of candidates is long. Kyle has been in office more than a week and is, therefore, the most experienced. He has held office for more than a week and hasn’t been indicted or been forced to resign. He’s my kind of politician. I use the Secretary of State website a lot for legal purposes. It always seems to work and that’s all I need. US REPRESENTATIVE: I’m voting to Higgins. He’s […]
Author: Nick
First – Make Your Bed
For the year and a half I was in seminary and for the years I was in the Navy, I was taught to start my day by making my bed. A Navy Admiral, William H. Mcraven has written a book, “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World.” I haven’t read the book. I was just intrigued by the title. I wish I would have thought of it first. If I had I would have written a book making these points. Taskless Days. There are days which go by when I really couldn’t tell you what I accomplished. Starting off the day by completing this simple task can set me on a task-oriented course for the day. It keeps me from being aimless and accomplishing nothing. The world is in chaos. I am more convinced than ever that the world is in chaos: politically, economically, socially, and, certainly spiritually. It’s scary because I feel helpless to do anything about it. Chaos in the world tends to bleed into my life. Start with me. Maybe I can’t bring order to the world, but I can at least have order in my world. Making my bed first […]
The Refinery Mission
Tonight at 6 I will have the privilege of leading a chapel service at The Refinery, a Faith-Based Mission for Men in Opelousas. This will be the second time I have been asked to do this. I greatly enjoyed it the first time and am looking forward to tonight. I seek your prayer for this event. Please consider supporting this worthwhile Christian mission. You can check them out on Facebook or at their website. The Refinery Mission is an awesome charity. Please consider a sponsorship or attending their silent auction on December 7 from 11 to 1. You can visit the website at or contact
Fake Good News
I’ve really had it with “Fake” news. Hurricanes are bad enough without Weather Channel reporters standing in ditches feet from dry land to “dramatize” the effects of the storm. Headlines often don’t reflect the facts in the underlying story. The decisions what to report are often based on politics and not newsworthiness. It’s sad that I have to consider the source when watching news programs or reading reports. Even sadder is the often fake presentation of the good news of Jesus. We were created for relationship with our creator. The death and resurrection of Jesus make that possible. He calls us to follow Him. In our enthusiasm to spread this news, we often create fake news headlines. We make it seem that it’s all about a simple prayer, or stepping forward at a church service. We bury things like repentance or taking up our cross deep in the story or even in footnotes. We promise what was never intended. New “converts” expect never to be sick, poor or anxious again. When “accepting Jesus” doesn’t cure ills, solve problems or lead to perpetual happiness here on earth, conversions collapse. Not only do we often promise too much, but we can […]
Consistent Motivation
I am not much into “prophecy.” I believe that Jesus is coming back, that he will “rapture His church” before things get really bad and that this event could happen at any time. I believe we can’t know that exact date; that little tidbit is left up to the Father. I believe that the church has been looking for His return for 2000 plus years and I am not particularly alerted or alarmed by current events that seem to signal that it could be soon and very soon. After all, disciples have been thinking that for 2000 years. I don’t think it’s wrong to be looking at the “signs.” Intensified persecution of Christians and geopolitical events are certainly getting worse, or for those of us who eagerly await His return, better. I think there is a very simple reason that Jesus promised His return. He wanted us to be consistently motivated to carry on His mission. We should be so motivated anyway because we could die at any time as could loved ones for whom we have salvation concerns. The at-any-time return of Jesus just piles onto that. The increase of signs should pump up that motivation. Because of my […]
Free Speech in Lafayette
My little community is in the national news. A drag queen story time for toddlers is coming to our Library in October. Such story times have been a big hit in places like New York and San Francisco. Lafayette, Louisiana is neither. Let me be clear. I won’t be bringing a toddler to the library for this event. Although I am not going to protest against it. I just have one question for the library folks who made this decision. If I want to have a Bible Story reading time for toddlers at the library would that be okay? If the answer is “yes.” Then I’m okay with them allowing the drag queen thing. If not, I would hope I would have the courage to protest, not over what is being allowed but what isn’t. My Christian and conservative brothers often cry out for programs like The View to be taken off the air. I don’t like The View or MSNBC or CNN and don’t watch. That’s my response. I watch and support the sponsors of shows I enjoy and which express views I support. I try to listen to all sides, but once I listen and make a decision, […]
Being There – Letting Go
I have had the opportunity to influence three generations of offspring. My influence hasn’t always been great or even positive. I think I’ve learned that the secret is in a proper balancing of Being There and Letting Go. Being There Availability. The most important factor in influence whether it’s children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends, or associates is availability. Availability doesn’t mean a constant hovering over but a constant, not always visible presence. It means picking up a phone when it rings, responding to a text, sitting in an intense listening mode when a heart is broken and pouring out. Listening. I long ago learned I don’t have all the answers. It took me longer to realize that listening to the questions and concerns was more important. In this techno world, many are wondering if anyone is really listening. Listening is the greatest gift and an essential element of being there. Cheering. While I write this I am watching a Houston Astros game. I’m a fan, but I’m not doing my team much good. I’m not there cheering them on. We need to complement, fist bump, smile broadly, and cheer those we love. It’s not enough to say “they know how […]
Non-Toxic Masculinity
I can hear a song dozens of times without the lyrics hitting home. Then, suddenly, they blow me away. Yesterday I was listening to “Lead Me” by Sanctus Real on K-LOVE. The lyrics blew me away: “Lead Me” I look around and see my wonderful life Almost perfect from the outside In picture frames I see my beautiful wife Always smiling But on the inside, I can hear her saying… “Lead me with strong hands Stand up when I can’t Don’t leave me hungry for love Chasing dreams, what about us? Show me you’re willing to fight That I’m still the love of your life I know we call this our home But I still feel alone” I see their faces, look in their innocent eyes They’re just children from the outside I’m working hard, I tell myself they’ll be fine They’re independent But on the inside, I can hear them saying… “Lead me with strong hands Stand up when I can’t Don’t leave me hungry for love Chasing dreams, but what about us? Show me you’re willing to fight That I’m still the love of your life I know we call this our home But I still feel […]