I have a really busy day today. I am writing this at 4:15. I need to go swimming early because I have a breakfast meeting at 6:30. I have a doctor’s appointment with my neurosurgeon at 10. Rosemary has appointments starting at 1. I have to lead a chapel service at the men’s shelter in Opelousas at 6:30. I am in the middle of a yard cleaning project outside. Today isn’t typical as far as my calendar goes; but it is typical in that my day includes things that I can’t do alone. I am constantly reminded that I am dependent on Him. When it seems like I have things under control, something unexpected comes up: A tooth filling falls out. A bill I didn’t expect comes in the mail. A family member needs something. The most dangerous times are when I think “I’ve got this.” I have to constantly remind myself that these “challenges” arise from the love of my Father for me. He wants me dependent on Him and He will do what it takes for me to be dependent. It may seem uncomfortable at first, but it’s really the only place of peace. I don’t have […]
Author: Nick
In the eleven years I was in the Navy, we lived in about thirty different places. Each was as much home as our current residence of thirty years. It’s been great to be in the same place so long. The house is full of mostly good memories. We are, however, getting the feeling that it’s time to move. Getting up to the second floor is getting tougher and we don’t see that getting any easier as we age. Keeping up the house and yard is becoming a chalenge. We would love to be closer to family, church and the places we like to eat and shop. A move seems the right move, yet we are dragging our feet. The familiar is so comfortable. Similarly, this world no longer feels like home. This feeling is somewhat, but not completely age related. I know that this world is not our home. I know Jesus will call me from it at precisely the right time. Until then I have a mission and a purpose. As to our residence, I’m trusting the Lord will make it clear when and to where a move is needed. I also trust it will be mission related. […]
Depression – Evidence of an absence of Jesus or just chemical imbalance?
To be sorry is to have a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others. We are sorry and depressed people. During 2011–2014, about one in eight Americans aged 12 and over reported taking antidepressants in the previous month. Antidepressant use increased with age and was twice as common among females as males. Long-term antidepressant use was common. One-fourth of all people who took antidepressants in the past month reported having taken them for 10 years or more. Antidepressant use increased nearly 65% over a 15-year time frame, from 7.7% in 1999–2002 to 12.7% in 2011–2014. Is there help in the Word? “My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.” Psalm 119:28. This is just one of many scriptures promising peace and joy- the antithesis of sorrow and depression in Following Jesus and reading His Word. In 2019, 65% of Americans identified as Christians, down from 77% in 2009. As fewer of us identify as Christians and therefore are less likely to look for help in scripture, there has been an increase in looking to medicine for relief from our “sorrow” and depression. Is that same reduction […]
Correction Rejection
The captain of a battleship at sea noted a light on a dangerous collision course. The captain immediately ordered his signalman to signal: “We are on a collision course. I advise you to change course 20 degrees east.” Back came a response from the other ship: “You change course 20 degrees west.” Agitated by the arrogance of the response, the captain asked his signalman to shoot out another message: “I am a captain, you change course 20 degrees east.” Back came the second response: “I am a second class seaman, you had still better change course 20 degrees west.” The captain was furious this time! He shouted to the signalman to send back a final message: “I am a battleship. Change course 20 degrees east right now!: Back came the flashing response: “I am a lighthouse.” The captain duly changed course. My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:11-12 I never noticed in this familiar verse that we have the option to reject, or in some translations ignore the discipline of the Lord. Of course, […]
Direct Connection
I love writing blogs, teaching, that kind of thing. I like the connection which makes teaching the best. Writing a blog, I don’t always feel the connection. Feedback is sporadic. The more direct the connection, the better. It’s also why I feel an obligation to remind folks often that reading a blog or hearing a teaching can be very helpful, but it’s not as good as a direct connection. After all our purpose is to connect with Jesus. It’s all about relationship with Him. So we need to spend time with Him. The best route to that is spending time in His word. Spending time with media that talk about or direct to His word is good but secondary. When I write or teach there is something I wish to convey. Hopefully, it will be something that will be helpful to you. But it may not. I also have my favorite books and verses of scripture. There are themes that I keep coming back to. That’s true of anyone who teaches or writes. What I am saying is that sometimes you have to go to the word with your concerns or questions in mind. Finally, it’s important to […]
Perverted Promises
My resolution for 2020 is to follow the daily meditations contained in David Jeremiah’s Daily in the Presence. If I am able to be true to that commitment, much of what I write in 2020 will spring from his meditations. I would never claim to expand on, improve or contradict the writings of David Jeremiah, whom I greatly admire. I only plan to use him as a springboard and I can think of no better one. You can get a copy of Daily in the Presence by donating to his ministry. https://www.davidjeremiah.org/resources/daily-in-his-presence According to one source, there are 3573 promises in the Bible. It seems to me someone at some time has managed to pervert every one of them. It’s a great idea to begin the year by focusing on the promises of God. The essence of those promises is that He will provide everything we need. The perversions change that into “everything we want” or “everything we deserve” or “everything my neighbor has.” What we need is Jesus, nothing else and nothing less. We have to remember the purposes of God when considering His promises. His purpose is to draw us to Himself through His son. He […]
Death Row Christmas
Yesterday I spent time with ten inmates on death row at Angola. I have known these men for nearly two years. I met them at the first-ever Kairos weekend retreat on death row in February 2018. The men have met every Monday since to conduct prayer and share. The men do most of the praying and sharing. A couple of Kairos volunteers, a couple of inmate chaplains and a full-time chaplain are in attendance but the meetings really belong to the death row inmates. Yesterday I sat in awed silence as these men discussed how blessed they are compared with many in the world. My Christmas this year will be better because of yesterday’s meetings and the two years of meetings that have gone before. I am thankful that my sins are not a matter of public record but are mostly between me and my God. He has promised to forgive and forget. The State and its citizens rarely do either. I am amazed at the grace of God and it’s power to radically change lives. I am thankful for the nearly unlimited opportunities I have to minister and am embarrassed by my failure to take full advantage of […]
Happiness in the Pursuit of Holiness?
Yesterday I wrote about Happiness. It wasn’t the first time I addressed that topic. In the summer of 2011, I wrote this: But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” —1 Peter 1:15–16 Americans are understandably proud of our right to pursue happiness. Our problem is that we have lost the path. One sure way to unhappiness is to spend your life pursuing it. Happiness is not a goal; it’s a by-product. Now hold your breath, it’s a by-product of the pursuit of holiness. I know that sounds radical. Conventional wisdom is that seeking holiness is an alternative to seeking happiness. We sometimes believe we have a choice of happiness now, or happiness later in the great by-and-by. But that’s not true. God wants us to be holy because He is holy and because we were designed to be holy. We will only be happy if we achieve that for which we were designed: holiness. Now I know it’s fashionable to think that happiness is not an appropriate Christian state. We distinguish “joy” from “happiness.” Joy is spiritual; but happiness is worldly. […]