For almost everyone today will be an ordinary day. They will do pretty much what they do every day and a week from today they won’t be able to tell you anything special about today.
But for some it will not. For some it will be the first day of their lives. They won’t remember it but will be told about it for as long as they live. The circumstances of today, their parents, the nation and place of their birth will impact their lives forever.
For their parents it will be a special day. For most it will be happy. They will think about it often when the see the child grow and blossom and multiply. For others not so much. They will worry about their ability to feed and care for their new charge or whether the child will live for a day, a week or a year. They may be ashamed of the child and never wish to speak of the circumstances which brought the new life forward.
For others it will be special because they will marry the person they were destined to be with forever. For some they will start a new career or move to a new town, or meet someone who will change their path forever.
For some they will discover that the life they had planned will be very different because of a disease they never suspected or an act of violence that came from no where. They will remember today as they trudge forward on a path they never expected, never asked for and never prepared for.
For some it will be special because it will be the last day. It may not start out special but it will turn out that way. They may wonder if things could have been different and struggle with overwhelming feelings of regret. Or they may simply smile in satisfaction and anticipation and slip away.
For some today will be special because they will make a decision to live differently, they will decide to follow Jesus instead of their own desires. Tomorrow they will still have problems, but they will have a new future and great new possibilities. A life that never made much sense will begin to have purpose and meaning. But even for them, the rest of their days may not be all that they could have been. It will still be somewhat up to them.
And for a special few, every day is special. They wake up with gratitude for the gift of the day. They decide to make the day special by doing just what the Creator planned for them. It may be a joyous day or a sorrowful one. It may be full of surprises or nearly as expected. It will be special because they will choose to make it special and God will honor their choice.
Have a special day. Please.
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