Free Speech in Lafayette

My little community is in the national news. A drag queen story time for toddlers is coming to our Library in October. Such story times have been a big hit in places like New York and San Francisco. Lafayette, Louisiana is neither. 

Let me be clear. I won’t be bringing a toddler to the library for this event. Although I am not going to protest against it. I just have one question for the library folks who made this decision. If I want to have a Bible Story reading time for toddlers at the library would that be okay? If the answer is “yes.” Then I’m okay with them allowing the drag queen thing. If not, I would hope I would have the courage to protest, not over what is being allowed but what isn’t.

My Christian and conservative brothers often cry out for programs like The View to be taken off the air. I don’t like The View or MSNBC or CNN and don’t watch. That’s my response. I watch and support the sponsors of shows I enjoy and which express views I support.  I try to listen to all sides, but once I listen and make a decision, I support the side I believe is right, but allow, and choose to further personally ignore, the “other” side. 

My concern is not that views I oppose are being too loudly and extensively expressed. My concern is that views which I wholeheartedly support are not being expressed enough. I think we need less protestation and more proclamation. But that’s just me a little old republican in Lafayette.

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