Matthew 6:31-34 (New King James Version)
Yet we keep seeking our security in the things the world values—bank accounts, stable jobs, and a strong national and global economy—we are filled with anxiety at every fluctuation.
I can attest that the times I have put His Kingdom first, everything else just fell into place; but I keep slipping back into reliance on worldly things and the anxiety that comes with that. I need to keep in mind that these verses call us to seek two things: His kingdom and His righteousness. His Kingdom is His rule over us and His righteousness is His transformation of us.
The spiritual benefits of living in God’s will are amazing, but our loving Father doesn’t stop there—He commits to provide for our physical needs as well. So even though each day has its own trouble, I can rest in the faithfulness of the Father and trust Him to keep His Word.
Seek First and Be Blessed.
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