Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain… Genesis 4:1
Adam didn’t read about Eve or hear all about her from someone else. He knew her in the intimate way that God has gifted to those of us who marry.
One of the amazing things about some of the guys at Angola is their knowledge of scripture. They can quote scripture Chapter and Verse. Yet until they spend a weekend being listened to and loved they really don’t know Jesus, they’ve never met Him.
A fan may be able to quote thousands of facts about his hero: how many touchdowns he has scored or yards he has gained. Yet he has probably never even met the man. Many of us who claim to be Christians are the same. We have spent hours in Sunday School or have memorized scripture verses, yet the important thing is to have met Jesus.
The kind of knowledge we are talking about is possible only between beings who have dropped all pretense and have made themselves completely vulnerable one to the other. God has made such knowledge of Him possible to those who commit to Him and, of course, as our Creator, He knows us like no one else can.
We really only get to know someone in this sense by spending time with them. We listen for His voice until we can recognize it and our response to it is natural. When Moses came down from the mountain, his face shown with the glory of the Lord. That’s the real sign of one who spends time with Jesus; they shine with His glory.
By all means learn all you can about Jesus. Study His word. Talk with others about their experience with Him. But above all, commit completely to Him forsaking all others. He will open Himself to you. Spend quiet time with Him. He promises to send the Spirit to reside with those who aren’t just fans of Him, but who commit to following Him. With the presence of the Spirit, comes the knowledge of God.
Know Him and be blessed.
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