“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12
How can we in the church best unleash the people of God in the Spirit of God with the Word of God for the glory of God in the world?
Platt, David (2011-04-19). Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God (p. 3). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
It’s great when we determine that we want to be a radical Christian, a follower and not just a fan. But our mission is a group mission. The Great Commission is addressed to the church. How do we we get those with whom we worship to buy into the Follower mentality?
David :Platt suggests several things including examining the tyranny of “good” things.
Churches are involved in a pile of “good things.” Churches provide a place for its members to refresh and renew. They provide good teaching, music, and programs. Church often meets in the nicest building any of its members see all week. Members often have calendars filled with church activities, meetings and gatherings. Churches provide schools and athletic activities, suppers, babysitting, camps, a ton of good things. The problem is that these “good” things may not be the best use of church resources in light of our mission to “make disciples.”
It’s a tough sell to convince members that church budgets ought to be re-evaluated to maximize the impact on the physical and spiritual needs of a hurting world. What seems like very little money to us in the United States can make huge differences in the hurting third world. Almost every church budget includes items designed to make the saved more comfortable or to provide for marginal needs.
In our personal and church lives, isn’t time to step back for a minute and ask: “Amid all the good things we are doing and planning, are there better ways to align with God’s Word, mobilize God’s people, and marshal God’s resources for God’s glory in a world where millions of people are starving and more than a billion have never even heard of Jesus?”
Platt, David (2011-04-19). Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God (p. 15). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
We should never settle for “good” when God calls us to do greater things.
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