Psalm 150
English Standard Version (ESV)
Let Everything Praise the Lord
150 B)’>sanctuary;
praise him in D)’>mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent F)’>trumpet sound;
praise him with H)’>harp!
praise him in D)’>mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent F)’>trumpet sound;
praise him with H)’>harp!
Praise him with J)’>dance;
praise him with L)’>pipe!
5 Praise him with sounding N)’>everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
This week lots of our kids and kids from outside the church “Got Their Praise On.” This happened because some volunteers were willing to give a week of their time and (as this photo demonstrates) a considerable amount of their dignity to the cause.
As a result kids had fun and learned a bit more about Jesus. Some of them took this enthusiasm and knowledge back to homes that really need it.
For the past weeks we’ve been talking about being followers instead of just fans. This week some folks we all know did that. We’ve talked about being radical. These folks did that as well. And, as a result, some kids and their families are better for it.
So when you head to church this morning, leave some of those inhibitions at home and be a follower, get a little radical, and be willing to “Get Your Praise On.” You know you want to and we know you need to.
Be blessed.
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