At the end of a Kairos weekend we give each participant the opportunity to receive a cross. We tell them “Christ is counting on you” and they respond “I am counting on Christ.” For those of us with “altar calls” in our denominational arsenal we may look at this as an “acceptance” of Christ. We often grade the weekend by the number of guys who are still particpating on Sunday and who receive a cross. In most cases, most of the guys take a cross. This time 6 did not.
We have to remember that Kairos is more complicated than this. It’s not a tent meeting or a revival. It’s not a Billy Graham Crusade. All great things. Many of these men come in as Christians, in some cases Christians with a better walks than the volunteers, but they may be tired or discouraged on Thursday. They are, after all, in prison, most with life sentences. On Sunday they are invigorated, encouraged and renewed. Mission accomplished.
Some have no relationship with Jesus on Thursday but are well on their way on Sunday. Mission accomplished.
Some are muslims or jews on Thursday and on Sunday; but they have a new more positive perspective on Christians. Mission accomplished.
Some are Christians on Thursday who are struggling with family problems, relationship issues, walls against personal relationships, issues with forgiveness of self or others. On Sunday many of these problems are gone. Some are just viewed with a better perspective. Mission accomplished.
On Thursday many volunteers need a retreat. They need to refresh their relationship with Jesus or step away from naging problems of life. Mission accomplished.
On Thursday many residents and volunteers desperately need to be on mission, to be DOING something with God, and not just warming the bench (pew) in their churches, to be real partners in the Great Commisson. and to see God doing something. It’s a need that exists that our churches inside and outside are apparently not meeting. Mission accomplished.
We continuously remind ourselves that our mission is to listen listen love love. It’s all we can do. God does the rest and what He does is much more than take a count. It’s so much more complicated and wonderful than that.
The weekend is over but the mission is ongoing. Keep listening. Keep loving. Keep learning from what you hear. Like every day of our lives we could have done the weekend much better. We need to improve next time. God did His part just fine. He always does. He’s God and that’s an unfair advantage. But I think this morning He’s smiling. He moved through His people, and that’s His favorite thing. If our God is happy, should we be any less?
Be blessed.
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