Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
27 Now J)’>members of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27
We are social creatures. Generally we function better in a group. We are happier in a group. I am convinced of that although I enjoy my solitude as much as anyone and I recognize that getting together as a group is hard, even painful, for some. But after a real group experience, talking, interacting, agreeing or disagreeing, just doing something with someone else, I feel more alive.
It seems to me we settle for less than the full social experience. We Facebook. We tweet. We pack 100,000 strong into stadiums; but that doesn’t always satisfy our God-given desire to socialize. It takes more than simply being in the presence of others to be social. There needs to be interaction. The cold text of a Facebook post just doesn’t do it. It’s great to have dozens of your “friends” remember your birthday, but it’s not the same as an hour spent with one friend at a birthday lunch.
Have we given up meeting together? Are we so burned by our social interaction history that we are satisfied with “social” media or with just being in a crowd? It’s great to wear purple or red on a football weekend to be part of the Tigers or Cajuns. It’s fun to sit with thousands of others and watch a game. But have we forgotten what it’s like to be “in the game?”
Today really share yourself with someone. Do something with someone that involves communicating with them in order to accomplish a goal. Let’s not give up being a part of something as a participant and not just an observer.
Let’s get together and be blessed.
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