Last night, as so often happens with a Good God, I got just what I needed. I spent time listening the members of the Massai channel Jesus. I don’t want that to sound too new age; but it best describes what I saw. Joy like that only comes from Jesus. It doesn’t come from possessions or accomplishments. As one of these tribesmen told us last night, America needs Jesus.
You can come away with many different things from an event like this. I came away with this: There is evil in the world. There is good in the world. The only real good comes through Jesus and that’s the Good News. Why have we made the gospel so complicated? Typically these Christians would introduce themselves with their names and the phrase, “I’m saved.” Is anything else of eternal significance. If you can get saved in Massai Land. You can get saved where you are.
If you missed last nights service, bad on you. But God is a God of second chances. These brothers and sisters will be with us for a while. Catch them somewhere. I suggest Pamoja Bonfire, Sun, September 30, 7pm – 9pm, at Harvest TIme in Abbeville. It’s near the high school at 901 Wildcat Drive. Here are the directions. Tell Brother Wells, “Nick Send me.”
Thanks to all those who have been joining us on Sunday nights for Nick’s Talk at Amana in Maurice. This Sunday night we are going to the Bonfire in Abbeville so hook up with us there. If you show up at Amana instead, it will be proof you failed to do your homework and didn’t read this blog. We will leave those folks a note and a map to Abbeville. Everyone gets a second chance.
Get simple
And be blessed.
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