John 10:10 ( NKJV ) The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
We have an alarm system at our house. An intruder has never set it off. We are pretty good about arming it. It’s kind of a pain; but we do it anyway.
We have signs around the house that advise potential thieves that we have the alarm system. I suspect the signs are worth as much as the actual system.
I am a devoted fan of David Jeremiah (but a follower of Jesus). For the last month he has been promoting his new book, “God Loves You. He always has and he always will.” For a donation of any amount, his ministry will send you a yard sign, wrist bands, and witness cards to support this theme. In a political season in which we are putting up yard signs which might contend with those erected by our neighbors, it seems a great idea to have a campaign to remind ourselves and others that God first voted for us.
My yard sign and kit came in a couple of days ago, but I dragged my feet in putting out the sign, or wearing the wrist bands, or giving out the tracts. Yesterday I felt a strong word from The Lord to put out the sign, so I did. Within hours the battle I have been deeply engaged in for 10 days broke open in a miraculous way.
My wife pointed out how the sign, which I had without intention planted near our security system sign, sent out an interesting message. God loves you; but we don’t really trust you.
Sadly, it’s a message for today. We have to work to love as Jesus loves; but the thief is active and working. We need to keep our guard up as we practice his command to love.
He has given my family a great victory. The alarm system He puts around those who trust Him works. But the battle goes on. He’s fighting the battles; we need to keep doing what He told us.
Keep on loving with alert and open eyes, even more as His return draws near. Remember that when the battle heats up, He’s busy doing something and so should we. He’s fighting and we’re to be wisely and alertly loving.
Be blessed.
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