I am wearing red today. In fact, I’m wearing a University of Louisiana shirt. It’s homecoming tomorrow. I attended UL (Then USL) for three semesters before signing up in the Navy. I eventually graduated from Pepperdine University in California and went to Law School at University of Florida (chomp chomp). I’m still a great fan of our local university and I have no trouble expressing that in my clothing choices.
I felt a tinge of guilt while donning the shirt this morning. I briefly flirted with wearing a UF jersey (chomp those tigers). But the real source of my guilt was something else. A few days ago I talked about putting the “God Loves You – He Always Has and He Always Will” sign in my yard. A photo of my sign even made it to the David Jeremiah website.
But that kit I received also included wristbands and tracts. The idea is that you wear the wristbands and someone will ask about them. You can then given them the wrist ban and pass on the idea that God Loves You. The tracts could be left with a generous tip or something like that. I haven’t worn the wristbands or handed out a single track.
Am I prouder of being a Cajun fan than I am of being a follower of Christ?
Maybe I’ll change into an LSU shirt and wear the wrist band and give out the tracts. Everybody knows those guys are crazy.
Wear your heart on your sleeve and
Be blessed.
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