For God so lovedB)’> his one and only Son,D)’> in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
As I write this morning I can hear a mountain stream. We are at our vacation spot. Our arrival yesterday was interesting. This is indeed a popular time to come to the Smokies and the nearby towns are packed with tourists. The restaurants are full and the streets are jammed. But here at the cabin it is isolated and quiet. We have to traverse a one lane mountain road to get to the cabin. I’m not sure what happens if we meet another vehicle. Maybe I’ll tell be able to tell you that story later in the week.
When not listening to the stream I am listening to God Loves You – He Always Has and He Always Will. I started listening this morning and have to admit I dozed off in parts. Not because the book isn’t interesting; it really is. I just did too much driving in the last two days.
Listening to snatches of the book and comparing the crowds in town and the solitude out here has me thinking. God is amazing. When we are told that He loves the world; that means He loves the entire world, every thing and every one in it. After all, He made it all. He loves it in some way like we love things we have a part in creating, our projects, our children. But it also means He loves each one. It means He loves me. He loves you. To be honest, I can’t always understand why He loves me. Some people I can never seem to understand why He would love. But He does.
It must seem obvious to Him that we should love each other. The way we actually feel about and treat each other must inflict a great hurt on Him. Shouldn’t we at least reflect some small part of the great love that created us, sustains us and wants to be with us forever?
Be blessed.
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