He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
If we are to move on to “Greater Things,” if we are to get about the Kingdom Business, we need to have Kingdom Perspective. God has planted the seed of eternity in our hearts and we won’t be fulfilled until it is watered and bloomed. That only happens when it is warmed by His presence in our lives.
It’s amazing how small and narrow our perspective usually is. Everything is pretty much all about us. It’s tough to look beyond what we see and feel each day. Our world is so easily dominated by our problems and our concerns or as is popular to say these days, our “issues.” It’s all about us.
Satan likes us to think and view things so narrowly. What he doesn’t want is for us to gain God’s Perspective or a Kingdom Perspective. He wants us to ignore that eternity God has set in us. We are so me focused because the person we spend the most time with is us. The secret to getting a Kingdom Perspective is to spend time with the King. When our pastor says the first step to greater things is worship, that’s another way of saying to get on to greater things we need to spend time with the Great One. We absorb the perspective and the attitude of those we hang around with.
Try to be in the stands at a LSU football game and not get caught up in the fever and the tiger perspective. I could have used the Gators and the Swamp, but I figured most of you would have a harder time relating. When we gather together as Christians and focus on God and sing about His greatness and give thanks for who He is, we get caught up with Him and begin to be able to see things as He does.
But it’s not enough just to do that on Sunday mornings. We all know that fever doesn’t last much past our Sunday lunch. We need to learn to spend more time with Him. We need to learn to practice the presence of God so that we live and breathe in an atmosphere of worship. It’s not something that comes easily or quickly. But if we are to move on to greater things, if we are to learn to view life from God’s perspective and to get fired up for Kingdom Business, we need to dwell with Him always.
Hang with God and get His perspective and care about His business and
Be blessed.
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