At 3 a.m. I awoke to the sound of my wife screaming. There was a tree roach in our bed. I made a couple of attempts to kill/capture the creature. He kept escaping under the bed. Eventually, I told my wife there was no way I could go back to sleep knowing the creature was somewhere under our mattress. So I retired to my recliner where I spent the rest of the night. I left my bride of 50 years to fend for herself. I never claimed to be a man of great courage. I’m thinking she probably won’t be cooking my favorite supper tonight.
That was not the scariest thing I went through last night. That award has to go the Presidential Debate. I am a bit of a news nerd so I have been looking forward to the debate. I wasn’t looking for help in making my voting decision. That is long made. I guess I was hoping to cheer on my choice for President or get a sense of satisfaction in the failings of the “other guy.”
I was grossly disappointed. What I saw were two old men who could not follow rules, inspire anyone, allow someone to finish a sentence or show any respect whatsoever to another human being. Do you mean to tell me that the “greatest” nation on earth couldn’t provide its people with a better choice for a leader?
Did your mom teach you that interrupting someone who was talking was okay? When did telling the President of the United States to “shut up” or calling him a “clown” become acceptable behavior? I wish we could make the latest nominee to the Supreme Court our President instead.
It’s scary to wake up to your wife screaming (and not with pleasure) and find a roach in your bed. However, you can be a coward and retreat to the relative safety of the den and your favorite chair.
It’s scary to realize that the next President of your country will be a horrible human being. What’s worse is that it’s a lot harder to escape. All my family is here. I’m too old and poor to move them all to Costa Rica or a tropical isle. I’m too hard-headed just to grin and bear it.
Come on, we’ve got to do better. If not for us, then for our children, grands, and great grands. They don’t deserve this kind of choice.
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