You must understand the worthlessness of money and riches. You must not chase after honor and fickle praise. These things all pass away with the world, and they bring no joy if the spirit of devotion is missing. Neither will you experience peace if it is sought from anyone or anything but God.
Watkins, James (2016-01-12). The Imitation of Christ: Classic Devotions in Today’s Language (Kindle Locations 503-505). Worthy Publishing. Kindle Edition.
We don’t know of many who, on their deathbeds, wish they had made more money, won more contests, or built a bigger empire. The only things worthwhile are the things we can take with us, or perhaps more accurately, the things that go on before us.
I have spent a fair amount of time in nursing homes. What is of value there are visits from family or notes from friends. On the tiny bed tables aren’t pictures of houses or cars or camps. There are photos, often grayed and frayed, of family or cards once barely noticed but now deeply cherished. In that way, nursing homes are like prison cells, there too the memories of family and friends too infrequently seen or heard from, are the most valuable items.
When we are isolated from what we love, we finally understand the solidary importance of loved ones and the memories of them above all else.
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