In the United States nearly 20% of Adults are “religiously unaffiliated” according to the latest research produced by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life this week. More Americans than ever before don’t identify with any type of organized religion. This number has increased by 5% in the past five years, and it appears to be a growing trend. Of the 46 million Americans who label themselves as “unaffiliated” to any type of religion, the predominant age group is between 18-22, where a staggering 32% of them labeled themselves as ‘unaffiliated’.
I view these statistics with mixed emotions. There is no doubt that in a large part these statistics reflect a movement away from God. This study also concludes that the number of atheists and agnostics has reached an all time high, covering 6% of the American population. A movement away from God is a bad thing. We all need a relationship with God more than any other relationship. We were not designed to exist divorced from Him, and doing so has inevitable consequences in our lives. Many of our needs as human beings can only be fulfilled through our relationship with God, such as true peace, true security and purpose. It’s safe to say that anyone who pushed God away from the center of his or her life has unfulfilled needs that only He can meet. God made that relationship possible through the gift of Jesus. We need God; we need Jesus.
On the other hand, we don’t need “religion.” I believe that at least in some part these statistics contain some good news. I believe that a growing number of believers in God or no longer believers in any particular religion. The truth is that we have life through Jesus. We live out that life in relationship with other believers. No denomination has sole possession of truth and certainly none has sole possession of the Son.
I pray that more will come to a relationship with Jesus and more will give up relying on religion.
Be blessed.
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