I’m Back.

It’s been over a year since I’ve posted. I enjoy posting, and it blesses me, but we are such creatures of habit. If you do something for 30 days, it becomes a habit. You are out of the habit if you fail to do the activity for a few days. I got out of the blogging habit. Sometimes, it takes a significant event to send you back to what you should be doing. Saturday, I experienced such an event. I had plans that included doing yard work, things around the house, and watching some football. Instead, by 9 a.m., I was a patient in the ED at Ochsner Lafayette General with triple fractures in my right femur. How that came to be will make for a good post later. “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” is an old Yiddish adage meaning “Man Plans and God Laughs.” Despite our most careful planning, the Road of Life is unpredictable. We might have driving and destination strategies, but scenic new vistas might beckon us, or unforeseen roadblocks can deter us. Our best-laid plans can be upended by unexpected changes, which could be disappointing or exhilarating. Personal or other setbacks, losses of loved ones, […]

God is Love – Right?

We know that God is love. 1 John 4:16. Our problem is that we have so watered down the word that it has lost its real meaning. We think it’s an emotion, a feeling and not a commitment.  It  isn’t “Never having to say you’re sorry.”  That’s just a haunting line from a movie. It’s not something you can fall in and out of. That’s just the excuse of those who have never known real love. “The truth is “all you need is love” but without a life changing commitment,  it is just a pretty good Beatle song. Jesus taught that the only way to know love is to know God. Jesus Christ taught that knowledge requires us to forsake the present world system – its values, its ways, its philosophy, its language and style of speech, its pleasures – and our own life. And to surrender that life to Jesus of Nazareth, this world’s true Lord.  Getting to know God requires an intense focus on Him. It requires losing your life, laying it down, denying self. That kind of love is foreign to most today. In fact, such love is considered impossible. That’s understandable because that kind of […]

Drug Dealers are Snitches

Broussard is basically a conservative community. It was strange then when I saw a man standing at a busy intersection dressed in the 90-degree heat in heavy clothing with a mask over his face. He was holding a handmade sign, “Drug Dealers Are Snitches.” I wanted to stop and ask him for the story behind the sign, but people who wear lots of clothes in summer, standing at intersections, holding signs, could be dangerous. Plus I really didn’t want to hinder traffic or get out in the heat. Was this guy a victim of a competing dealer who turned him in to eliminate competition? That would be a bold move. I don’t know any dealers (well I don’t know anyone who I know to be a dealer) but I suspect they can be violent, carry guns, and are not reluctant to retaliate. I would think being a snitch is against the drug dealer code. Could this guy be a customer of a dealer who snitched on him? I don’t know any dealers but I know many in the food service industry. They don’t normally encourage their customers to go on diets or point out that they are overweight. I […]

The Good Hand Of God

It seems to me that some people are special. Sometimes I attribute it to luck, or hard work, or that they are just a favorite of God. Often, what looks like being special can sometimes mean a worldly success. I’m not talking about those guys. I mean the ones that God seems to smile upon. They seem loved, happy, fulfilled. They are energetic. Their lives seem meaningful and purposeful. Their lives aren’t always long, but their time is well-spent. There are some upon whom God has placed His hand. Does He play favorites or is there more to it? Ezra was a man upon whom God had placed his hand. It was not an arbitrary act of the Almighty. There was a reason. In the Book of Ezra, the “Good Hand of God” is mentioned often and Ezra got things done. The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him, but His power and His wrath are against all those who forsake Him” (Ezra 8:22) He “had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel” (NKJV, 7:10)   Seems like […]

Time Flies – As You Get Older

When I was a kid the time between Christmases, vacations, and Fridays seemed like eternity. No longer. The older I get the faster time flies. I’ve done some research and it’s not just me. Many feel time seems to accelerate as they grow older. Some folks, smarter than me, like scientists and psychologists have theories. From a psychological standpoint, some say it’s about perception. The perception of time is heavily influenced by our subjective experiences and the way our brains process information. As we age, our brains become more efficient at processing routine and familiar information, causing the new and novel experiences that once used to stretch time to pass by more quickly. Youth tend to have many new and novel experiences, which are more memorable. As we age, our routines become more established, resulting in fewer novel events, leading to less distinct memories. Life becomes boring. With fewer memorable milestones, our retrospection of time tends to compress, giving the illusion that time has flown by. Anyone who has taken a road trip with kids has experienced their incredibly short attention spans. My wife and I have noticed that we can play a video game or scroll on Facebook […]

Where Have All the Demons Gone?

In Jesus’ life, he encountered demons, numerous times. They recognized who He was; although they seemed confused about his mission. Jesus controlled them by his word banishing them from the humans they were possessing, controlling, or influencing. Jesus gave his disciples the power to do the same. “Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness.” Matthew 10:1. We don’t hear much about demons these days except from Hollywood. Of course, we also don’t hear much about hell. Have we become too sophisticated to believe in demons? Is this a “better” world in which demons have no influence? Looking around, I doubt that. Back in 1977, Christian artist, Keith Green figured this all out in his song, No One Believes in Me Anymore (Satan’s Boast) Oh, my job keeps getting easierAs time keeps slipping away I can imitate your brightest lightAnd make your night look just like dayI put some truth in every lieTo tickle itching earsYou know I’m drawing people just like flies‘Cause they like what they hear I’m gaining power by the hourThey’re falling by the scoreYou know, it’s getting very simple […]

Mark – It All Starts With Repentance

Yesterday my Thursday morning men’s group decided to start a journey through the Gospel of Mark. Wanting to get a head start, I read Chapter 1. Something hit me in the face: It all starts with Repentance. In Chapter 1 we learn that John the Baptist led the way for Jesus preaching a “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” Mark 1:4. The first words of Jesus that Mark records: “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15″ The modern Christian lingo is a little light on repentance. We talk a lot about “salvation” and being “born again.” Not so much about “repentance.” Our Christian music proclaims “Good News,” being “Redeemed.” We know that “Jesus did it all” and “the battle is already won.” Not much mention of “repentance.” The first step in looking at something like this is to consider the words which are translated “repent” or “repentance.” In the Old Testament, there is “nacham,” which means to turn around or to change the mind. Then there is “sub” used over 600 times and translated as “turn,” “return,” “seek,” or “restore.” In the New Testament, its the Greek […]

Butt Dialer

I have had many titles in my life and I am pretty proud of most of them. Some are based on relationships: husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. All pretty cool. Some were based on position: Legalman First Class (U. S. Navy), Pastor, Yes I was a Pastor of a tiny church for a while. It was even smaller when I quit. Attorney – okay that one is a mixture of pride and shame, but you get the idea. Recently my granddaughter told me, “My brother and I only answer the first couple of times you call.” I said, “Why?” She said, “Because after that you are just “butt dialing.” I knew the term. I’m not that old. I just didn’t like the idea of it being applied to me. After some meditation, I realized that folks often call or text me and ask “Did you call?” They are usually nice enough not to sneer: “Butt Dialer” under their breath, but now I get it. The problem is I’m not sure how to stop. I don’t keep my phone in my back pocket so I know I’m not a literal “butt dialer.” I have noticed times when my phone seems connected […]